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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

West Bengal enjoying the Rains.

West Bengal finally got its much awaited rains after a very long time. People in West Bengal, especially those living in thickly populated cities like Kolkata (Calcutta) needed a rainy day. Power cuts became a very common problem due to power shortage. AC's drew a lot of power. It was only the rains which can convince the owner of AC's to switch off and enjoy the natural cool breeze. Thus reducing the amount of power cuts. I am enjoying the rains too from my home in Shibpur, Howrah. We have power right now, but we had a one hour power cut in the morning. We buy power from CESC Ltd. Its still raining and I hope that the rains will continue. The temperature needs to be reduced. I wonder people who do not have proper cooling systems, how difficult life could be. Surviving these hot seasons have become too difficult.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I was a Short Wave Radio Listener.

I would like to say that I was once a good listener of Short Wave Radio Stations during 1993 to 2003. I used to listen mostly the International Radio Stations. Some of them were BBC World Service, VOA - Voice Of America, Radio Netherlands, DW - Deutsche Welle, Radio Japan, CRI - China Radio International, RSI - Radio Singapore International, Radio Australia, and many more. I send them reception reports and in return I received QSL cards. A QSL card looks like a picture post card. In addition to these cards I used to receive programe guides, stickers and calenders.

I Love Rose

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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

I am having a serious mouse problem

Here is my latest news. I am having a serious mouse problem. I bought this optical USB Laptop mouse from a local computer hardware store less than a year ago. It stopped working after a few months. I gave it to them and they got it repaired from the manufacturers service center. Now it has again developed some snags. Last week it just stopped working. I do not have a spare mouse in hand which I think I should have kept with me. This time the hardware store guys refused to accept the item as it is nearly one year and its warranty will expire within two weeks. They advised me to go to the service center directly. I went to Kolkata (Calcutta) which takes an hour by bus. I had to return home disappointed as they do not give any service on Saturdays. On Monday I was told that the person who repairs the mouse is unavailable and will not come until Wednesday. I will be visiting them again tomorrow. After I get this mouse repaired I swear I will buy a new mouse and keep the old one as a spare.

Monday, June 01, 2009

SALORA Black & White Television

This is my SALORA Black & White Tv. I bought this Tv in 1988. It is still in working condition. SALORA was the best in those days. Some settings of this Tv have been modified in order to receive the cable Tv channels. Now, I would like to sell this Tv. If you are intersted to buy then please let me know how much you are willing to pay. You may leave your message in the comment box.

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